Josh W. Kinsey is a meticulous artisan who weaves together the intrinsic nature of manic beavers with the distilled hopes and dreams of orphaned kittens, twisting their variegated manifestations upon his engine lathe. Delicate metallic fantasies that taste sweet upon the tongue are bored and reamed upon his drill press, incised with traceries of angst with razored chisels and planes. Arcane symbols and geometries that are a delight to the nose are illustrated with his compass and pantograph. Meticulously detailed imaginings that flagellate the soul are drawn with pencil and marker, imbued with the subtle aromas of depression and rage.
Repurposed elements are expressly forbidden in Kinsey’s spiffy mechanical concoctions, as is hot glue, upcycling, the word “Steampunk”, shoddy craftsmanship, negative musings, and broccoli. Rather, Kinsey combines ornately whittled exotic woods with foundry cast mechanical elements smooshed into delightful expressions of splendiferous sparkliness.
J.W. Kinsey’s pieces are wondrous fabrications celebrating the joys of craftsmanship from bygone ruminations. Spelunking the bottomless depths of the colloquial “What is it?” and the always nefarious “What’s the F’n point?”, Kinsey’s work captures the viewer’s attention, briefly.
J.W. resides with his wife Katelyn in Silverton, OR.
Most importantly, he can ride a unicycle.